If you plan to cook a ham, remember that you should start preparing for it 2-3 days in advance. Good quality meat is the key to success. It is better to spend more money and buy fresh, delicate meat from a proven source than risk a promotional purchase at the market.
We’ve decided to prepare a short guide on how to cook a ham – you’ll find it below. We hope you’ll find them successful.
Ingredients for cooked ham
- 2 kg pork ham balls
- 4 and 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
- 2 teaspoons ground smoked paprika
- 1 tablespoon of ground hot pepper
- 2 tablespoons dried marjoram
- 1 tablespoon of dried thyme
- 1 tablespoon of granulated garlic
- 4-5 tablespoons of rapeseed oil

- 4-4 and 1/2 l of water
- 3 tablespoons of salt
- a few grains of black pepper
- 5-6 grains of allspice
- 3-4 cloves of garlic
- 1 tablespoon needles of fresh rosemary or teaspoon dried
- 4-5 bay leaves
- 2-2 and 1/2 tablespoons of hot mustard
- 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise
Preparation of cooked ham
Wash the meat, dry and tie it with cured twine so that it forms a ball.
Mix all types of pepper, marjoram, thyme and garlic with oil and a little water.
Arrange the meat in a large glass bowl and thoroughly grease it with a spice mixture. Cover with foil and set aside in the fridge for 12-20 hours.
Pour water into a large pot. Pour out some of the water and mix thoroughly in a bowl with mayonnaise and mustard. Pour it back into the pan, add the remaining spices to the marinade and put the meat in it.
Put the pot on the stove, bring the marinade to a boil and cook for 15 minutes, set from the burner. Chill 9-12 hours (not removing the meat from the pan). Then cook again for 15 minutes and cool in the pot again. Repeat this action again.
In total, the ham should be boiled and cooled three times. After the last cooling down, remove the meat from the pan and remove the string.
Is baked ham in your sleeve a good idea?
If you have no experience in cooking meat, especially as demanding as ham, you can reach for a baking sleeve. Thanks to this, you can be sure that the ham will not dry out or will not burn from the top, remaining undercooked. Baking ham in the sleeve also makes it penetrate more strongly with the taste and aroma of spices.
How to bake a ham in a sleeve?
Start by preparing a marinade with 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil, 2-3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, 2-3 tablespoons of water, 3 crushed garlic cloves, 3 juniper seeds, 3 allspice seeds, 1 teaspoon marjoram, 1 teaspoon sea salt, 1 / 2 teaspoons of freshly ground pepper. Smear the meat with marinade on each side, cover it with 4-5 bay leaves, put in the fridge for a few hours. After this time, put the ham in the baking sleeve, pour the rest of the marinade inside. Fasten the sleeve with a clip, make several holes in it with a fork, place in an ovenproof dish or put directly on a baking tray. Bake in an oven preheated to 190 ° C for 1.5 hours. After this time, cut the sleeve and bake another 20 minutes so that the ham is browned on top.